diary!! ^^

September 13th, 2024

i just finished midterm week!! its so sudden that i say this but ughhhh it was so doodoo :'( my scores werent really good.. i got Ds in both economics and evm which is super lame!! theyre not even that har dof subjects!! and i somehow got As in ict and biology?? they were such hard tests its not even funny. i js had bisnis n spanish examn today i hope i get above Cs for both of them :'D Bs are ok but Cs and below feel.. bad.. rgg but anyways i dont have to stress abt midterms n now i can stress abt end terms (yay..) :'DD

August 24th, 2024

zomg im spposed to be working on criteria a for my personal project but i can't get myself to do it i keep getting distracted by random videos on the internet uhuu.. i ws also spposed to go outside today but my dad got sick! i hope he gets better. now im js waiting for my boyfriend to go online again cus im bored and i miss him urggg

August 19th, 2024

hii!! i finally made the diary, after what felt like 4ever!! this'll probably be some silly microblog abt a bunch of stuff that happened!!

this site is still pretty ugly so i'll be working on it!! maybe add a background n a few decorations to make it extra cute!! :D